Thank You
Thank you every one for all your kind well wishes and congrats. It means a lot to me. Some of you have been with me for several years and I truly feel blessed to have you.
Barn Progress
The building itself is pretty much done. Right now they are wiring the electricity and putting up the lights. There is a small 10 by 8 room off of that little door you see from the front. I plan to use that to store fiber, and what not. They still need to pour the front cement slab that will be under that front awning. Also with all the rain we have been having we plan to put gutters to get the flow of water to the back of the barn.
Here is a side view. We chose to use a few clear panels on the roof to let in the natural light. This will save on electricity so we will only need to use the lights at night if we are out there. We are keeping the barn open inside and plan to use movable panels that we can configure it however we need to for the alpacas. There is a cement slab in the front inside that we plan to store the hay and feed. I really hope this is done by September because we really need to start working on the fencing and get that done before winter.
My Garden
My Turk’s Turban squash are doing great. Actually out of all the things I planted these are about the only things I have to show for it. The blueberry plants are still there but at the rate they are growing I might see blueberries in 10 years. Maybe by next year they will have a larger growth rate if they make it through the winter.
We have had so much rain I found this mushroom in my garden. Mushrooms are rare in New Mexico. I probably took about 30 pictures of this mushroom, I was all laying on the ground trying to get under neath it. LOL. I think it is really cool like there should be a little gnome or fairie under it.
Feeling Lately
To be honest this whole past week I have felt nausous & queezy. My taste buds are all out of whack. Some things that were a staple in my diet that I could have eaten every day for the rest of my life I suddenly cant stand to be near it. Right now I am into Orange juice. I have not drank this in a long time except for maybe on vacation. Suddenly it is the best thing in the world. I also have been eating honey nut cheerios with a sliced banana. It is heavenly. I cant remember the last time I ate cheerios. Fall can not come soon enough as far as I am concerned. I think I will feel much better then.
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