April 03, 2008

Love is in the Air

We decided to name the new boy Willy Wonka.

He is sweet on Honey Buns.

These two love birds follow each other around all day. It is too cute for words.

Barn Progress

Work started to prepare for the barn. Truck loads of dirt have been brought in.

Then they mash it down with their big machines. Turns out there was a 6ft gradient difference from the front of the barn to the back. Seems kind of silly to truck in a bunch of dirt when there is a bunch of dirt all over the property, but they say the dirt would not be solid enough to build a barn on. So now we are bringing in better dirt. Geez who new?

Spring Cleaning

I am exhausted. I have been doing a bit of spring cleaning around here. It is not easy when you have people outside bringing more dirt. I have been cleaning the ceiling fans, the windows, the front porch and every other nook and cranny. It has been a frightening experience. It is done and hopefully wont need such a cleaning for another year. I am itching to get out into the garden but word on the street we are still do for a frost, so I patiently wait. Chris and I have scheduled a little get away for some R&R. Take Care and I will be back with lots of photos.