Girlfriend Getaway
"Shopping by the Sea" by artist Marianne Haas
I am meeting up with my girlfriend Alicia from Oregon for a girlfriend’s getaway. Every couple of years we plan a trip together. This time we are heading to Palm Springs. I have never been there. To tell you the truth I would be happy going anywhere. I am looking forward to putting on some lipstick and feeling like a girl again. My focus this week was to try not to get any large bruises while working on the ranch. The weather around here has been bitter cold, so I am utterly excited about the forecast in Palm Springs with Highs in the upper 70’s.
Reading Material
These are the two books I am bringing on my trip. The one on the left is Mrs. Mike by Benedict & Nancy Freedman. The book on the right is Snow Flower & the Secret Fan by Lisa See. Both books have been on my list of must reads for awhile. I think this will be the perfect trip to finally have time to read them. I am also bringing along the diagonal scarf I started.
Projects awaiting my Return
I recently cleaned out my closet and found a few old wool sweaters no longer in style or in good shape. I plan to felt them and possibly use the fabric to make some bags, and possibly some other crafts. If you have any ideas or links feel free to send them my way.
When I get back I should be rested and ready to take on the rest of winter. There is a twinkle of hope since day light savings time starts Sunday. I love it when it gets lighter later.
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