August 29, 2006

Sweet Sound

This week I am hearing the sweet sound of chainsaw and wood chipper. Believe it or not this is music to my ears. Chris and I finally found someone to start clearing our land. He will also be building our barn and putting up some fencing. The best part is he started this week.

We decided to get the front acreage set up for the alpacas first. I think the mountain lion print in the back was the deciding factor. Jodie mentioned in her comment that she would like to see some more alpaca photos. I am right there with her. Unfortunately our alpacas are in Oregon right now and won’t be coming home until Late Fall. The only pictures I have are the ones I already posted. I sent the farm an email requesting some updated photos of the four babies. We will see if they send them. They are a large Alpaca farm and are very busy. I will keep my fingers crossed, and if they send them I will post the photos.

In the mean time we are getting set up for their arrival.

Finished Objects

I completed the cable wrap and it has soaked in warm water and is now being blocked.

Kitty Pi

Completed and before felting.

Blocking on top of Cosmo’s tower.

Cosmo is a little hesitant yet to sleep in his new bed. I did spot him inside it once but he was playing around and attacking it. Hopefully he will start to use it like a bed. When he does I will share photos.

Cast On

I cast on for Fetching the pattern found in the latest Knitty.

I chose Super it is an Italian yarn 100% Australian Merinos
Color is Partie. I think I bought it at the local yarn shop awhile back.

Real easy so far.


Last weekend I actually went through all my books and magazines that I have with knitting patterns. It is funny how your tastes change as to what you would knit and what you would not. This is a strong argument for not buying yarn ahead of time for things you are not ready to knit, because by the time you are ready to knit that object you might not be as interested in it as you once were. There might be something new that just caught your eye that you would rather knit.

So glad I looked through all the patterns. There were new things that caught my eye that I put on my list for future projects. One that I can’t stop starring at is this:

Pattern from Rowan Classic Woman pattern book
It is labeled as a scarf with finished size of 17 ½” x 90”

I am thinking of doubling it and making it a blanket. Probably with out the tassels due to them being too tempting for the cat and dogs to play with. It is knit using DK weight RYC Soft Lux. I will need to find an alternative yarn that is more reasonably priced for such a large knit. Also would like to find a yarn that I will be able to wash the blanket if I need to.

August 25, 2006

Creek Bed

Chris and I decided to walk to the back of the property to see if the creek bed had any water in it. Normally it is very dry but we have had lots of rain. Sure enough the water is flowing through the creek bed. You could hear the running water once we got close to it.

Unfortunately we found some Mountain Lion tracks.

We also spotted Raccoon Tracks.

I think all the wild animals are coming down to drink from our creek.

August 23, 2006


I cast on for Cosmo’s new Kitty Pi Bed. It looks like it will be a quick knit. I really like the colors together. I am switching them every 10 rows to make for even stripes.

Pineapple Quilt

I cut out and appliquéd one of the pineapple pieces for the quilt. It is not sewn onto the background fabric yet I just wanted to see how it will look. Three more pineapples to go.

New Classic Rowan

Rowan has two new pattern books from their Classic series. Classic Landscape & Classic Alpaca, both pattern books use alpaca yarn. Both photos are patterns from the Landscape book. You can check out both books and other books from the Rowan Classic series on The Laughing Hens website HERE.

August 18, 2006

Eye Candy Friday

Last weekend Chris and I drove to a small ski town about an hour away. We went through the Mescalero Apache Reservation to get there. The Indian reservation has a Resort and casino. We stopped by to check it out and have some lunch. The Resort is called Inn of the Mountain Gods. This is the view at the resort, unbelievable panoramic views.

August 17, 2006

Pineapple Quilt

I picked out some fabric last weekend for the Pineapple Quilt. The finished quilt is 40” x 40”, so it is more of a wall quilt or table quilt. I decided to do mine in blues. Here is what I found.

The blue squared fabric on top and to the left I plan to use for the center of the pineapples. The little blue flowered fabric I plan to use in the background. Lastly the blue fabric on the bottom I plan to outline the pineapples and also use for the border and the back of the quilt.

This is my first time using a pattern for a quilt. I am use to just making it up as I go and just using my imagination, that way when you are finished it is always right because there was no blueprint that you need to compare it too. This will be interesting and a challenge for me to stick to the pattern. I still might tweak it a bit we will see.

Progress Report

Here is an update on my cabled shawl. It appears to be taking forever. I found a mistake and realized I cabled all three small cables after two rows instead of after four. I noticed this mistake about 5 rows up. I was torn as to whether to frog back or just keep going. I decided to just knit to each section that was messed up and just drop those stitches and fix them individually using a crochet hook. It took an entire evening to fix. I was proud of my self this was the first time I had the confidence to drop stitches on purpose.

Another Room Painted

I finished painting my office/craft room/cat room. I decided on a light lilac color. I needed something light and cheery because my desk and cabinet are dark wood. It was funny when I bought the paint at Home Depot the lady at the checkout said they painted their daughters room that same color. They were going for a princess theme. When I told her I was painting my office that color she just kind of looked at me funny. Yea, so what lady it is my office and I will paint it the color I want.

Kitty Pi

Picked out the yarn to make Cosmo’s new cat bed.
Lamb's Pride Bulky:
2 skeins of Blue Boy
2 skeins of Supreme Purple
Lion Brand Fun Fur:
2 skeins of Violet

Cosmo spent some time sniffing it and rolling around on the floor with it and has given me his approval on the color choice. I think I might even have some yarn left over to make some knitted cat nip mice and toys to accessorize. 8)

August 11, 2006

Eye Candy Friday

This photo was taken in front of our little post office. That is a beautiful field of weeds. The trees down further in the photo are apple trees. I hope they don’t mow down the weeds any time soon I am enjoying the view when I pick up my mail.

August 08, 2006

Monkey Bread

I made some Monkey bread last weekend.

Use your favorite sweet bread recipe let the dough rise. Then roll dough into balls, dip in melted butter then into cinnamon & brown sugar mix. Then layer balls of dough into a buttered bundt pan.

Let dough balls rise in pan. Then bake at 350 for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool for about 5 minutes then turn bread over onto a cake pan. Drizzle with glaze (confectioners sugar & milk). It is best eaten warm, Just pull it apart and enjoy.

You can probably find a recipe on the internet with specifics. I have heard of people using frozen biscuit dough or the Pillsbury dough for cinnamon rolls. I prefer homemade and use rapid rise yeast.

Holiday Fabric

I know I am a little early with this but I couldn’t help myself. I found some great Halloween fabric.

This is titled “Life’s A Witch” fabric by Alexander Henry.
How could I pass this up with a knitting Witch I could not resist.

This is titled “Broom Sweepers Panel” fabric panel by Diane Knott for Clothworks. This comes in 24” tall by 22” wide panels.
I just love the colors and the art work on these.

I am not sure yet what I will make with them, possibly something for the kitchen table, and maybe something for a friend I plan to visit around Halloween.

For all you Gamers out There

Although I primarily spend my free time crafting and what not, I also enjoy playing P.C. games. My favorite is World of Warcraft. This is an interactive game that you play online and with other players all over the world. I blame my husband for getting me involved with this game. Anyway you build a character and run around to different worlds and complete qwests. You also have a profession that helps you make money to buy new equipment etc.

Anyway to make a long story short hubby came home the other day and had printed me out a cartoon he found on the games website. Here it is.

It reads:
Everyone has special talents.
For example here is yarnmaster Graal, the High Knitter of Orgimmar.

Orc on Left says: What is this?

Yarnmaster Graal says: It’s an axe cozy you put it over your axe.

Orc on Left says: Yeah, I don’t see that happening. Ever.

Hubby and I got a big kick out of it.

August 04, 2006

Eye Candy Friday

Sundara started something called Eye Candy Friday. This is where you post a photo you think is pretty or interesting or you like. So here is my photo for Friday. Here is a view out one of our windows. Cosmo likes to watch the birds swooping around.

August 01, 2006

The Lily Pond

What have I been up to? Painting, Painting & more Painting. This is the color I picked out for the laundry room. It is called Lily Pond by Glidden.

Here is a photo of what it looks like on the wall. I find myself gravitating to this room because it is done. I plan to paint my office/craft room next. Since that is the room I go to sit down and do my work for the office and my room to be creative and relax on the weekends I feel it needs to be done.

Jo Bob’s Law

Uncle Jesse

I have learned about a new law that has run rapid out here in my small town. It is called Jo Bob’s Law. This law states that if you need something done give Jo Bob, Tommy Jo, or Bobby a call and when they feel like doing it they might swing by. We have had three different men out at the house showed them the property told them what we would like them to do. Clear the land; build a barn, put up fencing etc. All three men have come out walked around with us gave us the impression they were our man to do the job then once left our house never heard from again.

This does not just work for the local builders or contractors. We also have had two electricians out at the house. When our air conditioner turns on our lights flicker & also when we turn on the vacuum. Turns out we need to put a whole new power line to the house which entails the city putting in some power line polls. Big Job, have not heard back from either one of them.

So if you run into Jo Bob, Tommy Jo, or Bobby at the local corner store or post office please tell them to give us a call.

Future Knit plans

I can not believe it is already August. Time for me to plan out the rest of my knits for the year. I am still working on my cabled wrap. I am on the last skein of yarn and hopefully will be finishing it soon.

Some things on my list for Fall & Winter

Fetching from the new Knitty. When I do work at the office I freeze my tail off. It is hard to type and get work done when you have to alternate sitting on your hands. A pair of fingerless gloves is way over due. Since I love cables this pattern caught my eye.

This is Lucy modeling her kitty pie bed

A kitty Pie for my boy Cosmo. This pattern is from Wendy over at Wendy Knits. There is a whole kitty pie photo gallery HERE, where cats are showing off their new beds. I have been meaning to make one for awhile now and feel I have neglected my mommy duties by not having made one yet.

Such a sweet boy, I am a monster neglecting his needs. 8)

Lastly my big project planned is Bridget – Jo Sharp Book number 2.
I have already swatched for this, I just need to cast on and get going if I want to wear it this winter.

That is it for now, back to painting for me.